National and international cooperation is needed to make ATM bombings, like this one, a thing of the past.
Whether to successfully avert attacks, protect life and limb, or investigate effectively – prevention is always key. The same applies in the fight against foreign ATM bombers operating in Switzerland.
It was 'the loudest bang they ever heard' that ripped them from their sleep that night. This is how witnesses of ATM bombings have described the experience. They were deeply affected by the images and sounds of that night.
ATM bombing gangs have been using increasingly powerful explosives, and this has been causing enormous damage to property. The stronger the explosive, the greater the threat to life and limb. Nearby residents, bank security staff and the police are all potential victims.
In order to reduce the danger (i.e. to prevent ATM explosions from happening in the first place) and to comprehensively combat this type of transnational crime, fedpol relies not only on repression and cooperation but also on prevention. The same approach is used in other areas, for instance in the fight against terrorism and organised crime.
Banks are the focus of fedpol’s prevention work. fedpol is in constant contact with them, raising awareness about...
… how they can better protect their ATMs and what locations may be especially vulnerable. fedpol bases its recommendations on best practices followed abroad, where, for example, structural measures and the use of ink-staining technology have led to a reduction in attacks.
… the dangers the explosives used in these attacks present – even after the fact. Ongoing investigations show that there is a danger of explosives potentially detonating late at a crime scene. fedpol urges bank security personnel to alert the police immediately in the event of an attack.
… how criminals will case potential targets. By looking out for suspicious behaviour, bank employees or the staff of the companies responsible for filling ATMs may be able to identify suspects before they can carry out an attack.
Thanks to intensive national and international cooperation, fedpol and the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland are increasingly able to prosecute and win cases. Thanks to increased prevention, the noose around the still active ATM blasting gangs in Switzerland continues to tighten.